Crescent Crystals
Crystal Meanings
I will continue to update this as our collection grows.
Apatite (blue)
Blue Apatite opens the throat chakra. It enhances communication in groups and facilitates public speaking. It heals the heart and emotions. Blue appetite has the ability to connect you to a very high level of spiritual guidance.
Aragonite (Blue)
Blue aragonite is an amazing healing stone which can help you cope with grief and any difficult situations or wounds you are struggling to move passed. It will help heal you from past trauma or emotional wounds that you may have. It will bring more joy, and optimism into your life, as well as calming and relaxing you.
Amazonite is the stone for self love, communication, trust, clarity, truth and clairvoyance. Amazonite helps to soothe emotional and toxic trauma and reduces worry and fear. It is a soothing stone, which helps to calm the mind and nervous system including removing blockages in the nervous system. It dispels negative energy, and helps you see both sides of a problem.
Amethyst assists in calming the mind, helps reduce anxiety, reduces insomnia, and aids restful sleep. It is the stone of spirituality and contentment, strength and inner peace. It has a very calming and peaceful energy which makes it great stone for meditation and enhancing your intuition and psychic abilities. Amethyst provides clarity and enhances conscious perception and understanding.
Amethyst (Chevron)
Chevron Amethyst is a combination of White Quartz and Amethyst. The quartz enhances and strengthens your qualities and the amethyst has stress/anxiety relieving abilities.
This stone provides you with peace and serenity when your life is full of noise and chaos. Chevron amethyst assists in opening your third eye chakra. It can enhance your intuition and make you more sensitive to your environment and to the higher realm.
Aquamarine is a very healing, calming, soothing and cleansing stone which inspires truth, trust and letting go. It enhances youthfulness because it encourages self respect, inner peace and emotional clarity. It has a deep connection to the sea and it protects you on your journey out to sea.
Aventurine (Blue)
Blue Aventurine clears old stagnant energies, which will help you open up to inner growth and spiritual work. It will help you to overcome bad habits, negative traits and also addictions. It helps strengthen your communication with others and helps you to speak up when needed. Blue aventurine can help you in both your career and personal life by bringing out your leadership, management and organisational abilities. It can heighten your psychic abilities and spiritual awareness.
Aventurine (Green)
Green Aventurine is a comforter and heart healer. It helps to banish negative thoughts and emotions. It is the stone of prosperity. It stabilises your state of mind and stimulates perception. It enhances creativity, leadership qualities and decisiveness.
Aventurine (Red)
Red Aventurine is the master motivator, helping you to stay focused on your goals and encouraging you to take physical action to make your dreams come true. It also provides you with physical, emotion and mental healing. It will help to clear negative energies and balance your body, heart, mind and spirit.
Bloodstone (Red)
Bloodstone protects against threats and bullying. It increases mental clarity, aids in decision making and assists with personal healing. It increases creativity and motivation when needed and can revitalise the mind and body if you are feeling exhausted. It heightens intuition and stimulates dreaming. Bloodstone also boosts energy levels and increases endurance in physical activity.
Blue Lace Agate
Blue Lace Agate is a soothing and nurturing stone that brings you calmness and peace of mind. It is a strong healing stone which also alleviates anger and tension. It will help bring you clarity and assist you in communicating and expressing your feelings. It also encourages you to let go of old emotions including childhood trauma.
Calcite (golden)
Golden, Honey, or Amber Calcite amplifies and cleanses energy including amplifying the energy of other stones placed near it. It will cleanse the atmosphere of the room it is in, and remove all negativity. It absorbs negative vibrations and alleviates emotional stress. Golden Calcite builds determination and motivation making it the perfect stone for overcoming procrastination and lack of motivation. Great for breaking out of old patterns. It can also boost intellect and memory.
Carnelian can revitalise the soul and increase your courage and self confidence. It restores vitality and motivation and also stimulates your creative side. Carnelian is very helpful for overcoming any kind of abuse or trauma. It will assist you with entering new phases of your life and transformations.
Carribean Calcite
Carribean Calcite is a great stone to use during meditation. It is a stone of transformation, spiritual awakening and emotional understanding. It helps us to gain a sense of purpose and helps us to access our intuition. It is a great stone for personal growth and assists with new beginnings. It can help you to get restful sleep, and reduce stress and anxiety.
Celestite or Celestine is a great stone for meditation, compelling you to find your inner peace. It calms and clears the mind of any anger, resentment or bad moods and encourages you to have an open mind. It also assists with the ability to see the big picture. It allows you to have better recognition of what you have control over and to be at peace with what we don’t have control over. It improves memory and dream recall.
Clear Quartz
Clear quartz is often referred to as the “master healer’. It amplifies energy (including the energy of other stones), cleanses the soul and enhances psychic abilities. It shields against negative energy and replaces it with positive energy. It can help with all types of healing including emotional and spiritual. It is a good stone for manifesting and it helps you gain a clear perspective on a situation or life in general.
Dragon Vein Agate (Red)
Red Dragon Vein Agate can help bring out your hidden talents and natural gifts. It can also help to give you the self confidence to manifest these talents. This stone prevents you from holding back your true emotions. It energises and strengthens you, encourages honesty and increases stamina.
Fire Quartz
Fire quartz is a grounding stone which removes negativity, and balances your body, mind, and spirit. It is great for your self esteem and would be very helpful for those with a short attention span or with ADD or ADHD as it encourages you to complete tasks. It increases focus and concentration, and also calms anxiety.
Fluorite absorbs and neutralises stress and negative energy, particularly within one’s aura. It is a great stone to build self confidence and self love. Fluorite improves energy levels, promotes better sleeping patterns and deep relaxation. Fluorite increase concentration and aids with decision making. It can also bring mental clarity, focus, concentration, mental enhancement, and stability.
Flower Agate
Flower agate is the stone of personal growth and will help you reach your full potential. It is great for manifesting and helps you to overcome your own fears and self-doubt to allow you to grow. Flower agate is perfect if you are starting a new endeavour in your life. It can help bridge the gap between emotions and reality which can be done through meditation.
Garden Quartz
Garden quartz or Lodolite is a very powerful grounding stone which is perfect when used for healing and meditation work. It is known to remove and pass negativity to the earth where is can dissipate naturally which will in turn establish a clear path. It is a great stone if you are trying to make changes in your life, need to find a new direction, or want to embark on a new quest in your love life, personal life, or career.
Garnet purifies energies in your body and gets rid of toxins, which in turn restores your body to its revitalised and energised state. Garnet helps you through healing and confronting flaws within yourself, and helps you to find the right direction in life and grow. It can help you achieve or regain your balance, help you feel safe and protected and find your inner strength.
Howlite is a calming stone, which helps to reduce your stress and anger levels including anger directed towards you. It also absorbs negative energy and can help to overcome insomnia. Howlite can help treat anxiety and helps to calm an overactive mind. It improves focus and concentration. The energies inspire you to generate new ideas, but also keep you grounded.
Jade (white)
White Jade is considered a lucky stone, whether it be for health, love or business. It is a very powerful stone which makes you feel calm and peaceful. It can help strengthen your connection in your relationship or a friendship and also promotes emotional healing. It helps to release negative emotions that are preventing you from moving forward.
Kiwi Jasper
Kiwi Jasper supports you during stressful times and is a very nurturing stone. It helps you to feel more relaxed and can also be very uplifting to our moods and spirits. It has the ability to absorb negative energy and allows positive energy to flow in. It is extremely beneficial for those wanting to overcome an addiction or compulsive behaviour by giving you the energy and strength to face the problem and begin healing towards recovery.
Labradorite protects you from negativity and replaces it with positivity. It has many healing properties, promotes self-confidence, determination, and self worth. It is also a great stone to enhance your psychic abilities and spiritual gifts. It helps lifts your spirits when you are feeling down, and aids those who are experiencing traumas, emotional breakdowns and will give you the strength, courage and focus to help you get through the tough times.
Lapis Lazuli
Lapis Lazuli is the stone of protection. It is great for releasing stress and bringing deep peace. It encourages self awareness and allows self expression. It also assists with speaking ones truth and speaking up for yourself. Lapis can also help bond relationships by aiding in the expression of feelings, emotions and communication.
Lepidolite is the stone of peace. It assists with releasing old behavioural and psychological patterns. It reduces stress and depression, dissipates negativity and brings deep emotional healing and soothing. It encourages independence, self love and trust. It is great to have during challenging times of change or to overcome anxious moods or tension.
Malachite is a very good protection stone which absorbs negative energies and pollutants. It opens the heart to unconditional love and helps with emotional balance and overcoming lack of self confidence. Malachite also helps to get you on the right path by breaking unwanted ties and patterns. It encourages risk taking and change and releases negative experiences and old traumas.
Mookite is a great stone to help you overcome your fears so you are not be afraid, and it also calms your worries. It will remind you that you are stronger than you think and will help you achieve emotional balance. It will fill you with feelings of hope, joy, excitement and boost your self esteem. It is a powerful healing stone, nurturing stone, grounding stone and shielding stone which will protect you from negative energies.
Moonstone (Peach)
Peach moonstone is a very soothing stone which helps with depression or anger. It soothes worry or anxiety and brings the best out in people. It is also a stone of protection for women and children, but particularly pregnant women and babies. It is said to enhance fertility and help with women’s reproductive health all around, including fluctuating hormones, easing menstrual problems and assisting with child birth.
Moss Agate
Moss agate can bring you harmony and peace if your work or personal life seems to be a mess. Reduces stress and pressures from society. It can help you make sense of things and give you confidence. It will remind you to take a step back and relax. It is also a grounding stone which will encourage you to spend time outdoors and with nature.
Obsidian (Black)
Black obsidian is naturally formed volcanic glass. It is a grounding and protective stone. It protects you from negativity and absorbs negative energies from the environment. It encourages growth and new beginnings. Black obsidian helps to bring clarity to your mind and also clears confusion. It helps you overcome past trauma and emotional blockages.
Opalite is a manmade crystal but still has healing properties. It symbolises clear thinking, new beginnings and reminds people to stay fun, cheery and light-hearted. It helps boost your self esteem and self worth. It is soothing to the heart and can assist with sleeping, especially if you tend to experience nightmares. It can help achieve success in business and manifesting.
Peridot is a protective stone, and is also a great stone for new beginnings. It helps you to let go of old patterns and behaviours that no longer serve you. It helps you to detach from negative people and assists you in moving forward. Peridot can help alleviate feelings o resentment, jealousy, spite and anger. It can help you deal with stress and it also enhances your confidence.
Rhodonite helps you to clear away and heal emotional wounds and past trauma. It aids you in achieving your highest potential. It encourages self love and forgiveness, as well as building confidence and alleviating confusion. Rhodonite helps you to remain calm in stressful or dangerous situations. It can also stimulate fertility.
Rose Quartz
Rose Quartz is the universal stone for “love”. It opens the heart and promotes love, self-love, friendship, and feelings of peace. It also promotes deep inner healing and is a very calming and reassuring stone which particularly helps during times of grief. It wards off negativity and replaces negative emotions with positivity and manifesting.
Sandstone (Blue)
Blue Sandstone brings out the empath in you. If you are overwhelmed with grief, it will help you transform these negative feelings into purposeful actions. Blue Sandstone helps you with self acceptance. It is also great for getting rid of stress and tension. It helps you to get rid of any grief and heartbreak.
Sandstone (Golden)
Golden Sandstone or Goldstone is a manmade stone but still contains healing properties. It is the stone for ambition. It increases drive, confidence and also builds courage, energy and a positive attitude. Goldstone promotes vitality and is gently uplifting.
Smokey Quartz
Smokey Quartz is an amazing stone to help you overcome old traumas, emotional baggage and let go of the past. It helps remove, purify and shed negative thoughts and bad energies that weigh us down. It is also a balancing and grounding stone.
Sodalite is a very calming stone. It can help to calm and release anger and frustration. It assists in dealing with and expressing these negative emotions. Sodalite brings emotional balance and can help to ease panic attacks. It increases self esteem, acceptance and trust within yourself. Sodalite is a great tool to assist you when studying or learning something new, as it can help you maintain focus and clear your thoughts.
Strawberry Quartz
Strawberry Quartz will help you to believe in yourself and help you to find the right path that you should be on. It helps you to see what direction to take in life. Strawberry quartz can help you to relax and gain peace of mind, while also providing you with inner peace.
Tiger Eye (Yellow)
Yellow Tiger Eye is the stone of protection and good luck. It can bring you mental clarity and help you focus your mind which in turn will help you to resolve problems. It can help you to stabilise moods and can dispel fear and anxiety. Tiger eye helps bring you willpower, purpose, courage, self confidence and releases tension.
Tigers Eye (Red)
Red Tiger eye is heat treated Tiger Eye. It promotes inner peace and calmness while also providing you with courage, self confidence, strength and assertiveness. This can assist someone if they are dealing with bullies or need to stand up for themselves. Red Tiger Eye also helps to calm the mind and can assist in setting and achieving goals.
Tourmaline (Pink)
Pink Tourmaline is connected with the heart chakra. It helps to bring love, joy and happiness into your life. This stone will help you to bring back your passion for living. Pink tourmaline will help you to relax and heal your emotions if you have been feeling tense or stressed. It may help bring you compassion and forgiveness when dealing with others and it encourages an new way of thinking, which may also enhance your creativity.
Unakite can be both balancing and grounding. This stone is often given to children as it is a highly nurturing stone. It can help you through very difficult times in your life, especially when you need to make an important decision. It can help you see the situation more clear and give you confidence.